Project Description

'Centralized Point of Access' System Implementation

Centralized virtual platform for improving access to mental health navigation services

‘Centralized Point of Access’ System for EMYS (now Strides Toronto)

  • Digital Innovation and Transformation
    • Provided implementation Consultation for the pilot phase and introduction of an innovative and client focused system implementation, the Centralized Point of Access’ (CPA), a  digital solution to help Toronto children, youth and their families with virtual navigation and improved access to Toronto mental health sector services.
  • Digital Strategy
    • LEAN – Minimum Viable Product Approach  
    • Employed least intrusive / least burdensome, viable system that could be feasibly implemented at a reasonable cost; to ensure easy adoption and a seamless transition.
  • Business Analysis and Process Improvement
    • Recommended internal business process improvements based on internal workflow reviews and analyses.
    • Established new internal processes where none had existed 
  • Focus on Stakeholder Success Metrics
    • Introducing and implementing this new system and associated technology was the first phase in meeting the Ministry of Health’s mandate and indeed the Toronto sector’s alignment on their main objective which was to help Toronto children, youth and their families with improved access to Toronto mental health sector services.

Virtualization of 'Rites of Passage' Program

Adapting an in person youth program to a virtual space

Virtualization of 'Rites of Passage' Program

  • Consultation on the adaptation to an online platform of the ‘Rites of Passage Program’ for young adults at the Woodgreen Community Services
  • Business Analysis,  Prototyping
  • Project Scoping, Workflow Assessments; Timelines, Cost Benefit Analysis and determination of appropriate technology to be leveraged.
  • Provided detailed implementation plans for the virtualization of the program
  • Implementation of digital program features, including Learning Management System modules for Program Orientation

BeanBagChat Application

Consultation on scaling and roll out of mental health chat application for young adults

Consultation and Capacity Building

Provided consultation services for the planning of, scaling, roll out management of an innovative virtual service delivery product – the BeanBagChat application (; built the capacity of the proprietary mobile chat app as a pathway for online engagement of young adults, to improve access to youth services as well as mental health support of young adults within the city and across the province.

  • Business Analysis and Environmental Scan of youth mental health sector and related youth services.
    • Developed a Competitive Matrix of similar products
    • Conducted a SWOT Analysis as the initial step input to the strategic plan for the adoption of the application.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration and Partnerships
    • Lead the engagement of partner organizations and collaborating in developing partnership and licensing agreements using a shared benefit model
    • Developed, implemented, monitored work plans for business development in collaboration with key team members (Stella’s Place staff, Developer/Vendor, Advisors, organizational partners)
    • Worked within a Co design framework with multiple stakeholders including Youth Advisory Council for end user input into product features and service offerings
  • Technology Assessment and Audits for Compliance 
    • Provided Technology Assessment of BeanBagChat and ensured accessibility, Safety, Privacy and Security levels meet exceed regulatory requirements (PHIPPA compliance, AODA compliance, Ethical Use of Technology) and mitigated related risks.
  • Scaling and Rollout Strategy- Social Enterprise
    • Developed detailed plans for the scaling and the roll out strategy to sector partners, including management of product rollout / implementation across the youth services, community services as well as the mental sector.
    • Provided plan for coordination implementation and training of organization users/licensee operators for launch

Digital Products, Projects

Contract Experience

Digital Experience

Project Management – CBC -Radio Canada

Product /Project Management  – Alight

Technology Management – Nelson Education

Product Management – DHX Media/WildBrain

Interactive – Sirius XM